Sebringville Water and Wastewater Studies for the Settlement Area - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment

2794848 Ontario Limited (“Developer”) and The Township of Perth South are cooperatively commencing a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (“Class EA”) Schedule C to assess the alternative solutions to meet the projected demands and identify and evaluate the alternative designs for the water and wastewater treatment systems in the Sebringville Settlement Area (“Village”). Costs for the study are being paid by the Developer. The Township is a co-proponent of the study.

The evaluation of servicing for the community is also associated with a proposed residential subdivision that is subject to Planning Act approvals by Perth County and the Township of Perth South. The approval of the residential subdivision and the Class EA are two separate but related aspects, and public comments are sought regarding both aspects through the integration of the Class EA and the Planning Act approvals (Section A.2.9). Perth County and the Township of Perth South will have input to the Class EA and will review and administer the Planning Act components. The attached map shows the location of the proposed Plan of Subdivision and the Sebringville boundary. The Sebringville Settlement Area is the study area for the Class EA.

In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, the project will include a detailed public and agency consultation process. The Class EA process is intended to assess alternative solutions and system designs, which include “Do nothing” as well as the establishment of new municipal services, private communal services, and/ or expansion of the existing services. As the study documents are prepared, they will be available for viewing from the Township Office located at 3191 Road 122 in St. Pauls, or online at or

Azimuth will be reviewing all available data including current and historic environmental monitoring data for the Site and updating field studies such that a detailed evaluation may be conducted for the Site in accordance with all applicable guidelines and approval requirements established by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP). The public is encouraged to view information, participate in the study, and provide comments directly or at public open houses. Comments on the project will be incorporated into the final Environmental Study Report.

Azimuth is contacting surrounding property owners, government agencies, and First Nations communities in the area to identify and discuss their concerns regarding the project. The first public open house is expected to take place in spring or summer 2022 to discuss alternatives and opportunities and constraints for the various alternatives.

The project schedule is being developed now and details regarding the first open house will be advertised in early 2022. Any questions, comments, or requests for information can be directed to the people listed below. You can also contact them to be signed up for an information mailing list for the project. We respectfully ask that all feedback be provided by Friday, May 27th, 2022.

2794848 Ontario Limited (“Developer”) and The Township of Perth South are cooperatively commencing a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (“Class EA”) Schedule C to assess the alternative solutions to meet the projected demands and identify and evaluate the alternative designs for the water and wastewater treatment systems in the Sebringville Settlement Area (“Village”). Costs for the study are being paid by the Developer. The Township is a co-proponent of the study.

The evaluation of servicing for the community is also associated with a proposed residential subdivision that is subject to Planning Act approvals by Perth County and the Township of Perth South. The approval of the residential subdivision and the Class EA are two separate but related aspects, and public comments are sought regarding both aspects through the integration of the Class EA and the Planning Act approvals (Section A.2.9). Perth County and the Township of Perth South will have input to the Class EA and will review and administer the Planning Act components. The attached map shows the location of the proposed Plan of Subdivision and the Sebringville boundary. The Sebringville Settlement Area is the study area for the Class EA.

In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, the project will include a detailed public and agency consultation process. The Class EA process is intended to assess alternative solutions and system designs, which include “Do nothing” as well as the establishment of new municipal services, private communal services, and/ or expansion of the existing services. As the study documents are prepared, they will be available for viewing from the Township Office located at 3191 Road 122 in St. Pauls, or online at or

Azimuth will be reviewing all available data including current and historic environmental monitoring data for the Site and updating field studies such that a detailed evaluation may be conducted for the Site in accordance with all applicable guidelines and approval requirements established by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP). The public is encouraged to view information, participate in the study, and provide comments directly or at public open houses. Comments on the project will be incorporated into the final Environmental Study Report.

Azimuth is contacting surrounding property owners, government agencies, and First Nations communities in the area to identify and discuss their concerns regarding the project. The first public open house is expected to take place in spring or summer 2022 to discuss alternatives and opportunities and constraints for the various alternatives.

The project schedule is being developed now and details regarding the first open house will be advertised in early 2022. Any questions, comments, or requests for information can be directed to the people listed below. You can also contact them to be signed up for an information mailing list for the project. We respectfully ask that all feedback be provided by Friday, May 27th, 2022.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Proposed Sebringville Subdivision Planning Application Fact Sheet

    The Perth County Planning Department has prepared a comprehensive fact sheet for the proposed subdivision at 123 Station Road in Sebringville. This Fact Sheet can be found in the documents section. This document aims to provide information regarding the proposed development, addressing key aspects such as what is being proposed, the applications involved, important dates, and concerns raised.

    As a next step, Planning staff will work with Perth South staff to answer questions raised at the public meeting and a full planning analysis will be included with a future planning report. Perth County and Perth South staff will meet with the applicant to discuss the concerns raised and determine if any changes need to be made to the application or if further information from the applicant is required.

    We encourage you to review the fact sheet thoroughly and welcome any feedback or questions you may have.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Notice of Public Meeting for a Perth County Official Plan Amendment

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    TAKE NOTICE - A Statutory Public Meeting is scheduled for February 20, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held in person to discuss a proposed amendment to the Perth South Zoning By-law affecting property located at Downie Con 1 Pt Lot 20, Plan 398, Pt Lot 123 (123 Station Road), Township of Perth South (Application 2-2023).

    This application was determined to be complete on December 5, 2023.

    The applicant is also a co-proponent with the Township of Perth South of a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to assess the alternative solutions to meet the projected demands and identify and evaluate the alternative designs for the water and wastewater treatment systems in Sebringville. This portion of the project is being conducted using the integrated approach in accordance with Section A.2.9. of the Municipal Engineer Association’s (MEA) Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for meeting the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act and for approval under the Planning Act.

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Notice of Complete Application for a County Official Plan Amendment

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    The County of Perth has received an application from 2794848 Ontario Ltd. for an Official Plan Amendment, a proposed Plan of Subdivision, and a Zoning By-law Amendment pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act (Sections 17, 22, 34 (10.4)) and Ontario Regulation 543/06 and 544/06.

    This application was determined to be complete on December 5, 2023.

    OPA 222

    County of Perth Official Plan Amendment #222 proposes to permit the proposed development of the site by designating a portion of the subject lands for a special policy area within the Plan of Subdivision. The special policy is to be applied to the Village designation for Block 99 and Block 100 and would permit apartment buildings with a maximum height of three storeys and it would allow the maximum number of permitted dwelling units to be set in the Township of Perth South Zoning By-Law.

    Please refer to the Documents section for the full version of this notice - Perth County Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 222 - 2794848 Ontario Ltd - Notice of Complete Application

  • You cannot leave comment in this blogpost unless you are a part of the project panel.

    Agency Notice of Commencement Letters Sent

    On May 26, 2022, the Notice of Commencement for the Sebringville Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) letters were sent to all agencies including various government departments (Federal, Provincial and Municipal), utility companies, and indigenous communities. This notice is part of the communication required in the MCEA process.

    The agencies have been asked to provide questions, comments, or requests for information by June 30, 2022.

Page last updated: 07 Feb 2025, 01:37 PM